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40 x 40
Once each summer there is a regatta called the Chowder Cup in Friendship, Maine. This is an event that anyone with a boat, except catamarans, can race in. There is no fee and the prize is winning a small ceramic bowl. There are crews that have been racing against each other for years. Friends and neighbors. Small boats and big boats. Experiences sailors and novice. It all goes. The trick is trying to get around all of the working lobster boats as well.
This past summer in Maine, it rained almost every day. This particular day in August, the weather was beautiful. It seemed that every boat was out on the water. I saw boats that I had never seen before. Different sizes, different kinds of sails. There was a sailboat extravaganza. When watching these boats from the shore, it almost looks as if they will crash. These paintings were inspired by my afternoon on the beach.
Turns out that some of the members of the Chowder Cup Regatta committee came to my art opening this summer and invited me to be the artist for next year's regatta. I get to design the tee-shirt. It is such an honor for me to be included in this event. To sweeten the deal, one of them said I could ride on their boat during the race. I will do a wait and see on that part. I am a bit of a land shark.